eTRANSAFE BSC services have been decommissioned on 2024-04-09


The eTRANSAFE project

The Enhancing TRANslational SAFEty Assessment through Integrative Knowledge Management (eTRANSAFE) project has developed an integrative data infrastructure and innovative computational methods and tools that were aimed to drastically improve the feasibility and reliability of translational safety assessment during the drug development process. This infrastructure was underpinned by development of open standards and robust policies widely accepted by stakeholders, including regulatory agencies and international organisations.

The eTRANSAFE has been a five-year project, starting from 1st September of 2017, funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking (IMI 2) together with the pharmaceutical industry, that has aimed to develop an advanced data integration infrastructure together with innovative computational methods to improve the security in drug development process.

If you want to know more about the eTRANSAFE project, go to the official home page

Platform for sharing toxicology reports

The WP5 on Data Interoperability & integration included task 5.3, which focused on Textual Data Integration Services. This task provided the necessary mechanisms for knowledge extraction from unstructured data e.g. reports, literature, patents, among others. This task also included document management and pre-processing, access to vocabularies, classification dictionaries and entity recognition infrastructure. To facilitate sharing toxicological reports and other data among eTRANSAFE partners, we prepared a secure platform to that end. Sharing data was essential to construct common datasets, which were used to extract knowledge, validate analysis pipelines and even benchmark their performance.